Owlets Pre-School Class for 3-4 year olds opens in September 2025
5 mornings a week - term time only

Healthy Eating

School Dinners
Children can have school dinners every day or as and when parents wish. Dinners are free for children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 and cost £2.50 for children in Years 3 & 4. This is payable via the SchoolMoney app for Years 3 & 4.

School dinners are provided by Hobbs School Catering (the trading name of Principals Contract Catering Ltd) and menus are available from the links below.

School Dinner Menu - Autumn 2023

Packed Lunches
If you wish your child to have a packed lunch then it should be brought into school in a suitable container which is clearly labelled with your child's name. This is especially important as children often have the same lunch boxes and to avoid problems with allergies we need to ensure your child eats the correct lunch!

We do ask that parents try to provide a healthy and balanced packed lunch for their child and that they do not send in cans or fizzy drink. It can be difficult to encourage children to eat a variety of healthy foods at lunch time. If you are stuck for ideas then there is plenty of information to help. Below are some links to ideas for healthy lunch boxes.

Change4life healthier lunchbox ideas.

Government Fruit & Vegetable Scheme
As part of the Government scheme, every child in Early Years, Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) is entitled to a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day. If your child is in Key Stage 2 and is not entitled to the free fruit or they do not like many fruits then please feel free to provide a snack from home for them to eat at playtime. However, please do remember that it needs to be a fruit or vegetable - children will not be permitted to eat any other foods at playtime.

All children who are under 5 are entitled to a free carton of milk each day. The children in Early Years drink their milk and eat their fruit together daily at snack time and it is an excellent time for developing independence and social skills.

Once children are 5 they may continue to have milk if parents are prepared to pay. School milk is provided by Cool Milk. Parents can either register online at www.coolmilk.com or ask for an application form from the school office.

If your child does not drink milk, or they are 5 and you do not wish to pay, then please ensure that you send them to school with a named water bottle so that they can have a drink at snack time.

Woburn Lower School
Bedford St, Woburn, Milton Keynes MK17 9QL | 01525 290207

© Woburn Lower School 2025