Owlets Pre-School Class for 3-4 year olds opens in September 2025
5 mornings a week - term time only

Useful Links and Educational Resources

Free Tools and Resources from RM

RM Easimaths - with most children in the UK now at home and being taught remotely for an extended period, we are happy to offer schools access to our online maths software for ages 4-12 - free for 4 months. Learnmore about Easimaths here: https://www.rm.com/products/rm-easimaths TTS - are part of the RM Group and they have agreed to offer their downloadable learning books for free. The books are curriculum-focused and support independent learning, for EYFS, KS1 and KS2, and each offer over 40 home learning activities without creating any additional work and cover two weeks’ worth of high quality educational activities across all curriculum areas. Find them here

Useful Links
Woburn Village
Central Bedfordshire
Council Woburn History Pages, Central Bedfordshire Council

Educational Resources
Think U Know ESafety
BBC Bitesize
Science Museum<br> Purple Mash Login

SEND Resources
Central Bedfordshire Council SEND Parent & Young Person Partnership Service
Free Drop In Information sessions
Central Bedfordshire SENDIASS - a free, impartial and confidential service offering young people with SEND and
their families information or support around all aspects of SEND.

Autism Bedfordshire
Autism Bedfordshire’s Children’s Services guide
Autism Bedfordshire skills4success - a social and skills programme for 16-19 year olds
The First Steps to Supporting a Child with Autism Spectrum Conditions - virtual workshop for parents

Children's Health
Children Immunisation Program - a guide to help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they're safe and important.

Off-site Sports Clubs
FRIDAY EVENING FOUNDATION - Under 5 Coaching Sessions
TENNISKOOL at Woburn Sands Tennis Club

E-Safety Meeting For Parents - 23 May 2019

Evening Focusing on Pupil Well-Being and Online Safety - Fulbrook
Return slip for above meeting

Woburn Lower School
Bedford St, Woburn, Milton Keynes MK17 9QL | 01525 290207

© Woburn Lower School 2025