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The Governing Board
What is the Governing Board?
"Governing boards are the strategic decision makers and vision setters in every school and academy. They play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education for every child by creating robust accountability for school leaders".
"Crucially, that means using and being familiar with objective data on the performance of pupils, teachers and finances to ask the right questions and ensure resources are allocated to school priorities. It also means ensuring that schools prepare pupils for life and the workplace by building their character and resilience."
Taken from the foreword of The Governors' Handbook, January 2016 - John Nash Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools.
Mrs P Black
Head Teacher
Committee: EYFS
Ms S Michaels
Co-opted Governor
English, Humanities, Schools for the Future
Mrs Paula Black - Head Teacher
Hello, I joined Woburn Lower School 12 years ago and I am the Headteacher. I teach Owls one day a week and lead the school’s Eco-Warrior team. I have worked in large urban schools in London and Buckinghamshire teaching across Nursery to Year Six but my passion is for Early Years. I am an advocate for the outdoor curriculum across the Key Stages and I love teaching science. At home, I enjoy working on my allotment, cooking and walking in the woods with my Labrador.
Ms Sue Michaels - Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair
My name is Sue Michaels and I am a co-opted Governor at the school. My background is in Education. I taught and managed in schools in England and Italy for 25 years and now run a Tutoring Service in South Bedfordshire. I applied to be a Governor because I have always been fascinated by the tiny and ancient school in Woburn and when I moved here, I couldn't believe my luck when the position came up! I feel very fortunate to be part of such a committed and passionate team who strive to protect your children's education in this amazing school.
Mrs Kelly Burley - Clerk
If you think you have what it takes to be a school Governor then please contact the Clerk to the Governors in the first instance,
Click here for the
Governor Sub Committee - Finance
Woburn Lower School
Bedford St, Woburn, Milton Keynes MK17 9QL | 01525 290207
© Woburn Lower School 2024