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Woburn Lower School

Year 1 & 2, Squirrels

Welcome to Squirrels Class!

Squirrels Class is a mixture of Year 1 and 2 children, all subjects are taught by Miss Freeman with the help of our wonderful teaching assistant, Mrs Gordon. During their time in Squirrels, we all encourage the children to become more independent learners and thinkers. We also endeavour to develop the children's skills and hope they are happy and motivated learners. We fill our day with lots of questions, exploration, kindness, friendship and hard work. In Squirrels we are transitioning from the EYFS curriculum to the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum. Lots of reading, maths skills, listening to and understanding of excellent stories, handwriting and fun topics are undertaken throughout Key Stage 1. Alongside all the wonderful work we do, we also have additional expert help from Madame Gylphé for French. James comes in to teach guitar, Eloise teaches keyboard and whenever possible, external volunteers and visitors enhance the class learning. We follow a topic based curriculum, which changes on a termly basis. Our science, literacy, geography and art all link into this theme, ensuring we gain a good understanding of the topic whilst learning in a fun, enjoyable way.

A typical day in Squirrels consists of Phonics, English, Maths and handwriting in the morning. In the afternoon subjects such as Science, Computing, Art, Music, R.E. History and Geography are taught. We read regularly with each individual child and provide guidance on how to help out at home.

Related Documents:

Sooper Books
Sooper Books

Sooper Books

Autumn Term Project Information
Autumn Term Project Information

Project book front page.docx

Autumn Topic Web
Autumn Topic Web - Space

Space Topic Web.pdf

Squirrels Summer Topic
Squirrels Summer Topic 23 - The World & Its Weather

The World.pdf

Spring 1 Planning - Squirrels Class
Spring 1 Planning - Squirrels Class

Castles Overview.docx

Woburn Lower School
Bedford St, Woburn, Milton Keynes MK17 9QL | 01525 290207

© Woburn Lower School 2024