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Year 3 & 4, Badgers Class Page
Welcome to Badgers Class!
Badgers Class is home to our year 3 and 4 children. Our class teacher is Mrs Grant.
Badgers Class enjoy daily numeracy and literacy lessons which link in to the new 2014 National Curriculum. Science is taught on Monday afternoons - with the focus being on developing the children’s ability to ‘work scientifically’.
Other subjects are taught through cross-curricular topic work with the aim always to offer a stimulating and engaging learning experience for the children. Where possible we try and engage the children when planning our class’ topic work, following the children’s interests and answering ‘big’ questions they ask at the start of the topic.
We love using different forms of technology in our learning - the computers, tablets, data loggers, cameras and programmable robots.
We have a specialist PE teacher and specialist French teacher teach us each week.
Each child has a weekly Small Step Target Book, which is worked on both at home and school, thereby aiding Big Steps in progress to be made over a term.
A range of short homework exercises are set each week, covering most curriculum areas. Children in Badgers Class are also expected to read at home to an adult at least three times a week.
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Woburn Lower School
Bedford St, Woburn, Milton Keynes MK17 9QL | 01525 290207
© Woburn Lower School 2025